CNS Shipper INTRODUCTION The CNS Shipper is a shareware application designed specifically for those who use the United Parcel Service (UPS). As businesses large and small know, the preparation and paperwork involved in shipping parcels often consumes valuable time and energy. CNS Shipper has been developed to help you: * Keep better track of your shipping records * Maintain an easily-updateable customer mailing list * Quickly calculate shipping totals based on package weight and method of shipping This text document will go over the features found in CNS Shipper. SHAREWARE FEE CNS Shipper is shareware. It may be distributed freely on networks and databases, and there is no charge if you don't decide to keep it. However, if you do decide to keep and use CNS Shipper, the fee is $25.00. This fee includes a free update version of the program, and also gets you on the mailing list for UPS rate and fee upgrade announcements. So look the program over. Try it out and see if it fits your shipping needs. If you decide to keep CNS Shipper, please send a $25.00 check or money order to: C-N Software 3711 Shamrock West, Suite 176-D Tallahassee, FL 32308 USA UPS rate file updates will be available for $15. REQUIREMENTS CNS Shipper will work on any Macintosh with at least 1 meg of RAM. The printing of shipping labels and C.O.D. forms requires an ImageWriter or other compatible dot-matrix printer. Pre-printed forms are available from NEBS. You may contact them at (800) 225-9550. When ordering the forms, please specify the following numbers: Shipping Labels: NEBS 9375 TSH C.O.D. Forms: NEBS 9259 TSH For more information, see the About CNS Shipper...window in the Apple menu. INSTALLATION Drag the CNS Shipper icon and the CNS folder to your hard disk drive. When copying is complete, open the application by clicking on the icon. THE HOME WINDOW You will see on your screen the CNS Home Window. From here, you can access the many features of CNS Shipper. CLIENT FILE Click on the Client File button. This displays a listing of names in the client file, which resides in the CNS folder. Client files are the records where client information is stored, and this information is sued in the printing of shipping labels and C.O.D. forms. * Print Client List -- This button produces a printout of the entire client list. * New Client -- Click here to open a blank client file. Here you can enter information to establish a file on a new client. Use your Tab key to move from one field to the next. Client ID can be a special name or number designated to a particular client. Note there is more than one address field, allowing alternate addresses to be listed. The Miscellaneous field can be used to keep any other information listed in the file. When entering a new client, fill out as much information as possible. Though not all blanks need to be filled, it is important to at least provide the zip code of the client, or the file cannot be saved. When you have entered new client information, click Save. * Edit Client -- This button allows you to change information under any client name you've highlighted. Click once on a name to highlight it, then click the Edit Client button -- or just click the client's name twice to open the file. Any changes must be saved to remain in the file. Click the Home Window button when finished. UPS (USA) * UPS (USA) -- This calls up a template form for sending parcels within the United States. On the left you will see a row of checkboxes for the delivery services, as well some special command features. * C.O.D. -- Check here if the parcel is to be sent Cash on Delivery. You can enter the amount in the space provided once CNS Shipper calculates the total shipping costs. * A.O.D. -- Address on Delivery. Requests a return receipt upon delivery. * Oversize -- Check here if your parcel is larger than the standard UPS measurements. * Call Tag -- Requests that UPS follow instructions for Call Tag delivery. * Enter in Log -- Provides a log entry you can access and print later. * Print Label -- Check here to mark this form for printing later. * Saturday Delivery -- for special Saturday delivery. * Find Client -- Calls up client file names in the window provided=. When you have located the client file, click it twice. The information should appear under the Client Info heading. You should also assign an invoice number in the upper right-hand space. * Import -- Another way to load a client file; in this case, client files that have been prepared outside of CNS Shipper can be imported into the program. For more information on how to prepare a client file for importing, please see Importing Client Files below. Move the cursor to the enclosed area on the lower half of the screen. Here you will enter information concerning the method of delivery. Simply click on the box or boxes that correspond to the delivery method you desire. When finished, enter the weight of the parcel in the space provided -- and remember to always round up to next highest pound. Declare any value in the space provided. The three buttons in the upper right corner of this box also allow you to display other manifests. * Edit -- calls up a manifest window from which a file may be chosen. The Previous and Next buttons allow you to automatically move to the corresponding manifests without leaving the template. * Recalc. -- when all information is entered, this will calculate the total charges for the package. You can make any changes in any part of the form, as long as you remember to click the Recalc. button afterwards. Be sure to save your work. Click Cancel to return to the Home Window. UPS (Intl) Click the UPS (Intl) button. This calls up a template for the form required to send parcels around the world. Use your Tab key to move from field to field. You can enter an Invoice Number of your own choosing. * Find Client -- Calls up your client list. Click your chosen client twice and it will appear on this form. Enter the weight and value of the parcel in their proper fields, and select which checkboxes you need. * The Letter -- Denotes that a letter is being sent. * Oversize -- Marks an oversize parcel. * Enter in Log -- Automatically records this in your permanent CNS log. * Print Label -- Marks this file for printing. In the upper right corner of this form is a Zone entry field. This is information you can easily obtain from CNS Shipper. Simply click the Find Zone button at the bottom left. This will call up a zone chart for the part of the world to which you are sending the parcel. Simply click twice on the proper city, country or region that corresponds to the one entered on your form -- it's directly below the zone window. * Recalc. -- When all information has been entered, click this button. Your total charges will be calculated and displayed. Click Cancel to return to the Home Window. UPS REPORTS There are several report files that CNS Shipper uses. These can easily be printed out to an ImageWriter. To get to the Reports window, click the UPS Reports button at the Home Window. * Print AK Cities -- This prints the Alaskan Cities file, showing which cities are in the 2nd day air zone. * Print UPS Zone Chart -- The rate chart is divided by zones, with each column giving the weight in pounds and the corresponding dollar amount. * Print UPS Zone Chart -- The zone chart shows which zip code numbers correspond with each zone. * Print UPS Countries -- This prints the entire listing of countries, along with any city and postal codes, and the shipping zone number. Please note that this report runs several pages, and may tie up your printer for a while. * Print UPS Manifest -- This prints the manifest of shipping records. Before printing, please be sure to see that Wide Orientation is checked under the Page Setup option under the File command. * Print C.O.D. Tags -- You will see a print window with several buttons along the right. The window along the left displays any client files which have been marked as C.O.D. When C.O.D. information has been filled out for a client, a tag may be printed. Simply insert the NEBS 9259 C.O.D. tags into your ImageWriter or other compatible dot-matrix printer and click this button. Check your Page Setup under the File menu before printing. Be sure to mark the COD tag option and also mark the No Gaps Between Pages checkbox. Erase Label List -- To clear the list, click here. Delete Label -- To delete a particular label, highlight the client name and click this button. Print Letterhead (All) -- Prints all listed C.O.D. labels with your letterhead, which is taken from the Company Information you enter under Housekeeper (see below). Preprinted (All) -- Print all listed C.O.D. labels without including your letterhead. This is for those users whose UPS labels have their addresses preprinted on their labels. Print Letterhead (One) -- Prints one C.O.D. label, with your letterhead, for any client file that has been highlighted in the left window. Preprinted (One) -- Prints a label for any one highlighted C.O.D. client file, minus the letterhead. For preprinted label users. Test Label -- Prints a sample label so you can check the alignment of the label in your printer. Click Cancel when finished. * Print Shipping Labels -- When shipping information has been filled out for a client, a shipping label may be printed. Simply insert the NEBS 9375 shipping labels into your ImageWriter or other compatible dot-matrix printer and click this button. Be sure you've checked the Shipping Label option under Page Setup in the File menu before printing. Erase Label List -- To clear the list, click here. Delete Label -- To delete a particular label, highlight the client name and click this button. Print Letterhead (All) -- Clicking this button tells the printer to print all listed shipping labels with your letterhead, which is taken from the Company Information you enter under Housekeeper (see below). Preprinted (All) -- This button tells the printer to print all listed shipping labels without including your letterhead. This is for those users whose UPS labels have their addresses preprinted on their labels. Print Letterhead (One) -- This command prints one shipping label, with your letterhead, for any client file that has been highlighted in the left window. Preprinted (One) -- Prints a label for any one highlighted shipping client file, minus the letterhead. For preprinted label users. Test Label -- This prints a sample label so you can check the alignmentof the label in your printer. Click Cancel when finished. When finished, click the Home Window button. HOUSEKEEPER Click twice on Housekeeper. Housekeeper lets you edit certain charts within CNS Shipper, as well as enter your company information that will be printed out on invoices. There is also a compact command that can reduce the size of your files. * Company Info -- This is information about your company that CNS Shipper will print onto invoices and records. Please fill this out and save. When finished, click Cancel. * Edit Zip Code Chart -- This gives you access to the zip code chart and allows you to make and save changes. The zip codes are separated into groups whose parameters are set by the beginning and ending numbers of the codes, as well as the zone number each set of zip codes falls into. Clicking New will allow you to add a new zip code to the file. Clicking edit will allow you to edit any zip code group you have highlighted. Be sure to save any changes to this file. When finished, click Cancel. * Edit Intl. Chart -- This button opens the International Chart file, where you can edit international countries, their city and postal codes, and their zones. You can either edit an existing country or add a new one. Save your changes and click Done when finished. * Edit Alaska Cities -- You can edit or add new cities to the Alaskan cities file after clicking this button. Please note that Alaskan cities are currently either Zone 14 or Zone 16. CNS Shipper only lists Zone 14 cities, and only those should be added to this file. Those Zone 16 cities should never be added to this chart; CNS Shipper will automatically default any non-Zone 14 Alaskan cities to Zone 16. * File Operations -- Click this button to display a window where you can import and export files, and compact the size of your files. How to Do Tab Delimited Text Files -- CNS Shipper exports its files as tab delimited text files, and these are the only kinds of files it will accept as imports. Tab delimited text files can be prepared using any word processing program, as long as the file is saved as "text only." Here are some guidelines for preparing tab delimited text files: * Each file has 35 lines, or fields. They correspond to certain information that CNS Shipper needs in order to establish a file. Do not enter the line numbers or the following periods when writing a tab delimited text file. They are provided for your information only. * Note the categories which are followed by parentheses. Only the information specified in the parentheses should be entered. Dollar and number values will stand alone in those fields. The categories whose parentheses contain 0/X are fields that, in CNS Shipper, will be marked with a checkbox. X and 0 and true and false characters, respectively. If you wish a specific box to be checked when your file is imported, leave an X in that line. If not, leave a 0. * The export program must always account for all fields. So if a field is going to be left blank, make sure you at least leave a tab character behind on that line. The only exceptions to blank fields are the Client Name (field 4) and, for USA clients, the Zip Code (field 10). * Each record should be terminated with a return character. * For UPS ground residential service, add 100 to the zone number in field 35. * The 35 fields are: 1. Via (ex. UPS) 2. Invoice # 3. Client ID 4. Client name (unique) 5. Address 1 6. Address 2 7. Address 3 8. City 9. State 10. Zip/Postal Code 11. Country 12. Attention 13. Phone # 14. Fax # 15. Miscellaneous 16. Purchase Order # 17. Invoice amount 18. Cash only (0/X) 19. A.O.D. (0/X) 20. Call Tag (0/X) 21. Cash Only (0/X) 22. USA Client (0/X) 23. COD amount (dollars) 24. Is a COD (0/X) 25. Date (MM-DD-YY) 26. Oversize (0/X) 27. Saturday delivery (0/X) 28. UPS ground commercial (0/X) 29. UPS ground residential (0/X) 30. 2nd day air (0/X) 31. UPS red package (0/X) 32. UPS red letter (0/X) 33. UPS value (dollars) 34. Weight (# in pounds) 35. UPS zone (#) Import -- To import a tab-delimited text file, click this button. When the import window pops up, select the file to be imported and click it twice. The file will be imported to the CNS Folder. Export -- This button exports a chosen client file from its present format to a tab delimited text file. Compact All Files -- This button automatically compacts every file in your CNS folder. A dialog box will appear to warn you that this procedure can take a long time (it's true). You'll be given one last chance to decide if this is what you want to do. Try it once and see if you can live with the lag. It will definitely save you space on your drive. QUIT This button on the Home Window quits CNS Shipper and returns you to your desktop.